Self Realization Ceremony in Adalaj
Monday November 3, 2014
1500 new seekers took Self Realization through Gnan Vidhi Ceremony in Adalaj, India on 2nd November.
New Seekers shared their experiences after taking part in the Self Realization Ceremony yesterday. Here are just two experiences:
1) In my 55 years, I have not eaten non-vegetarian food only on two occasions. Once was when my father passed away, and the other when my mother passed away. Let alone never eat non-vegetarian food, I have now decided [after obtaining Self Realization] that I will never even look at non-vegetarian food again. I have also learned that I want to settle everything as it comes in life, I do not want to leave anything [any karmas] pending.
2) By accident I saw your [Pujya Deepakbhai’s] spiritual discourse on TV one day. And from that day I have never missed watching any of your spiritual discourses. Also from the bottom of my lungs, I feel like the wandering of infinite lives has come to an end for me.