Merry Christmas 2021
Tuesday December 21, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021
Come December and the excitement starts building up for one of the most awaited celebrations of the year! No points for guessing; December marks the Christmas time which is the celebration of the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ. The festival is celebrated on 25th December every year around the globe with lots of fervor and excitement by the young and old alike.
There are several stories associated with the birth and the life of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was born, the angels had said that the Savior of the world is born. The stories of Jesus are all about how he helped people and guided them on the path of salvation. Jesus had always laid importance on the virtues of helping others and forgiving others.
We’ve often heard that, happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. Research also indicates that people who help others are less stressed and experience better mental health.
In line with Jesus Christ’s message, the modern day spiritual scientist, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan also says that, “The only purpose of the human life and its essence is this: to use one’s mind, body and speech for others.” Having said that, helping others should be our purpose of life, the next obvious questions arising in your minds might be, ‘Why help others? How do we help others?’
Read further to know what Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says about it.
Why should one help others?
People often hesitate in helping others thinking that they might lose something if they spend their time or resources on others. But clearing this misconception, Param Pujya Dadashri says that, “You will not incur any loss or experience any obstacles in life if it is spent serving and obliging others.” By helping others, we create a positive impact in the other person’s life, and that person in turn showers his best wishes and blessings on us that help us to advance in life.
How can one help others?
Helping others can be in different forms. It might not necessarily mean helping people monetarily but sometimes just a kind word or a gesture might suffice to make someone’s day. Param Pujya Dadashri says that, one can help others through their mind, speech and body. If one isn’t able to serve anyone directly, he can just pray for the wellbeing of the other person. Even this might create a profound impact on lives of others.
Further Param Pujya Dadashri says that, one shouldn’t differentiate in anyway when it comes to helping others. The trees are the best example for this. Does a mango tree or a neem tree differentiate between whom do they serve? The mangoes belong to whoever takes them. This is what Param Pujya Dadashri refers to as helping with a pure intent.
Jesus Christ lived to spread messages of humanity and helping others. On this Christmas, let’s align our celebration with the teachings of great saints and become a messenger of peace and joy ourselves. Let’s become the Santa Claus, who strives to help each one in need and is always happy spreading joy and glee.
Merry Christmas 2021!!