Tuesday March 19, 2019

Searching for happiness has become a global pursuit today. Our day begins and ends in the search of ‘HAPPINESS’. Google trends show that ‘Happiness’ is the most often searched word for every day. Amazon has more than 23,000 books with ‘Happiness’ in the title. New careers like ‘Happiness Consultant’, ‘Happiness Coach’, ‘Chief Happiness Officer’ etc. have started popping up on job portals also. The United Nations (UN) has been publishing it’s ‘World Happiness Report’ since April 2012 and based on a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly, March 20th is being celebrated as the ‘International Day of Happiness’. So what is all the buzz about?
Research says that people today are lonelier, unhappier and more stressed out than ever before. Some of the factors that contribute to this state are decreased social connections, increased dependency on technology, time constraints etc. Not to mention loneliness not only affects us mentally but it also has adverse effects on our physical health. So how can we combat this growing threat?
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, a spiritual scientist gives us a ‘shortcut’ to overcome loneliness, which is, obliging others. Happiness begins from the moment we do something for others. Dada Bhagwan explains the science behind this by citing trees as an example. He says, ‘Does the tree take into consideration whether a person enjoying its fruit is kind or unkind? For the tree, the fruit belongs to whoever takes it; its life is lived for serving others. By living in this manner, such living entities, like the tree, gradually progress to a higher life form.”
Studies also suggest that helping others helps us to regulate our own emotions and thus decrease the symptoms of depression, loneliness and ultimately, improve our emotional well-being.
Dada Bhagwan Himself lived by this philosophy throughout His life. He understood the science behind it. He says, “He who wants happiness should make others happy.” He adds, “Nature’s law is such that if you give the fruits of your own efforts to others, nature will take care of you. That is the hidden science.”
So why not try to apply this science in your everyday life too? Spending your time, money or energy to help others wouldn’t just make the world better, but it will make ‘you’ better as well.
Get ready to take your first step to help people.