Happy Ram Navmi
Wednesday April 13, 2016

Ram Navmi marks the auspicious day of the birth of Lord Ram, who is revered for His endless compassion, courage and devotion to religious values and duty. He is revered even today, after thousands of years, because of these virtues. Lord Ram’s true devotees are His representative and should embody the same qualities as the Lord.
But in this day and age, how can we become Lord Ram’s true devotees? How can we live by the same principles that Lord Ram lived by His whole life? Well, even if we cannot give everyone around us happiness, let us at least try not to give anyone any pain. Let us aim to keep out thoughts positive, no matter what is going on around us. Instead of criticizing people for treating us badly, let us resolve not to treat anyone badly no matter the circumstances. What do you think; can we not strive to change so that Lord Ram can be proud of us?
If we obtain some right understanding our behavior will automatically improve by itself. This right understanding can be obtained through Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan’s Knowledge of the Self. And by applying the Knowledge of the Self, we can stop hurting others through our mind, speech and body, and as a result become Lord Ram’s true devotees!