Happy Rakshabandhan!

Friday August 8, 2014

This year Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on the 10th of August. Around the world, Rakshabandhan is celebrated with the tying of the rakhi by the sister on the brother’s wrist and the brother giving a gift to his sister. This act signifies the promise that the brother will protect his sister under any circumstance. This protection is only limited to this life and is dependent on the brother’s abilities. But what protection do we have for our future lives until we reach our final goal of liberation (moksh)? Why don’t we tie a rakhi to One who will not only protect us in this life, but who will protect us for the rest of our lives until we attain permanent liberation (moksh)? By tying a rakhi to Shree Simandhar Swami, Gnani Purush Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan and Pujya Niruma on this auspicious occasion of Rakshabandhan, we will receive Their protection up until we obtain final liberation (moksh)!

Rakshabandhan 2014

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