Adalaj Satsang Highlights
Friday December 6, 2013
Here are some questions from the morning satsang session with Pujyashree Deepakbahi on 6th December in Adalaj (Gujarat), India:
Questioner : What is the reason behind building a temple?
Pujya Deepakbhai : The reason behind building a temple is that, say if you see a theater / multiplex, then what will that remind you of? An actor! So when one sees a temple then one remembers God.
Questioner : Why do we need to cover our mouth with a handkerchief when we go to do the darshan of Simandhar Swami Bhagwan in the Trimandir?
Pujya Deepakbhai : Can you go to your teacher while you are chewing a pan, or smoking? In the same way, the reason for covering your mouth is humility (vinaya). It ensures that when we go near Simandhar Swami Bhagwan our breath or even our spit doesn’t touch Swami.
Questioner : What is the effect of speech?
Pujya Deepakbhai : If a stone hits you does it not leave an effect on your body? In the same way, speech also affects the ego of the other person. Negative speech is like throwing a stone on someone while positive speech is like throwing flowers on someone.