In Adalaj (Gujarat), India there is an eight day Spiritual Discourse from 21st December to 28th December 2013, followed by the Sanctification Ceremony of small Idols on 29th December. During the eight day discourses Pujya Deepakbhai explains Param Pujya Dada Bhagwa’s Spiritual Science at a subtle level to all of Dada’s followers. The aim of these sessions is to obtain a deeper understanding of the Soul, which will help in everyone’s progress on the path of liberation. Followers not only from throughout India, but also from Kenya, America, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Spain, Austria, the U.K., Germany and Brazil have come to attend these Spiritual Discourses. And for those who are unable to attend the sessions in person, there is a live webcast of Pujya Deepakbhai’s discourses in Gujarati, as well as live translations that are occurring simultaneously in English, Hindi and German.

Parayan _Dec _2013 _ I

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