July 17 – July 21 turned out to be the golden days for each and every follower of Dada, as they joined into the celebrations of Guru Purnima 2024 in the august presence of Pujyashree Deepakbhai.

On July 16, Pujyashree arrived in Chicago, where the grand event of Guru Purnima was organized. 4000 people from all parts of the world had assembled here to participate in the Satsang programs and attend the Guru Purnima Day event. Thousands of other followers, who couldn’t make it to the venue, joined in live, online.

Guru Purnima is a special day for every spiritual seeker as it offers them an opportunity to express their heart-felt gratitude and reverence towards the One who has helped them progress on the path of liberation. And we followers here, feel even more indebted towards the Gnani Purush, for it is He who introduced us to our real Self, and thereby helped us understand our true identity; and furthermore, day after day, He continues to grace us so that we excel in experiencing this Self clearly and completely.

And the beauty of this grace is that it is not in the form of mere ‘help’; it is a Gnani’s ardent ‘wish’ to see us liberate ourselves!! How can our head not bow then repeatedly, in sheer obeisance before such Guru, such Gnani Purush!!!

Pujyashree’s message in Guru Purnima 2024 vividly revealed this ardent wish of a Gnani as He urged:

“All Mahatmas (followers) are doing purusharth (spiritual effort), but now let us do a goal-driven purusharth. That the extent to which the interference of our intellect has stopped. In gross terms, openly disturbing others, interfering into others’ matters should stop. We must reach a stage that no one around should be caused any interference with our intellect.”

This inspiring message from Pujyashree was followed by the Jagatkalyan Samayik (a short prayer for the salvation of this world) and Pujan-Divo-Aarti (ritualistic worship, chanting of prayers and hymns and waving lamps) of Lord simandhar Swami and Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan. Thereafter, Pujyashree was garlanded with a beautiful garland of roses. Also, Pujyashree made the announcement that next year, the Guru Purnima 2025 shall be held in Jacksonville, followed by the jackpot of a Akram cruise with Pujyashree, which means those lucky followers who shall be attending this event in person next year shall be able to spend 12 full days with Pujyashree!! This announcement thrilled the audience and the hall was full of claps and cheers. The followers were then graced by Pujyashree’s darshan.

Later, in the evening, there was a Bhakti program, where Pujyashree sang a devotional song. While humming this song along with Pujyashree, every follower, on this Guru Purnima Day, paid their heart-felt obeisance in the feet of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, Pujya Niruma and Pujyashree Deepakbhai.


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